

Coach Claflin and Captain Bigelow Will Outline Plans for Season

Hockey for both University and Freshman candidates is due to begin next Tuesday, evening, December 7, with a meeting in the Union at 7 o'clock, when Coach William H. Claflin '15 and Captain E. L. Bigelow '21 will outline plans for the season. Although no game are scheduled for the seven until after Christmas vacation, regular daily practice for the University squad will open in the New Boston Arena this month. The 1924 players, following indoor drilling, will utilize the Charlesbank rinks as soon as weather permits. Four of these rinks will be available.

Competitions for the position of second assistant University hockey manager, and Freshman hockey manager will start next Monday noon and Tuesday noon respectively. Two positions are vacant in the University competition, open only to Sophomores and five will be given places from the 1924 candidates.
