Facilities for indoor exercise at the University have not proved adequate to fill all the manifold needs this year. As a consequence, in many instances it has been necessary to allot certain limited times to different groups of students in which they may use such facilities as are available.
Track Men Crowd Gym.
At the Hemenway Gymnasium the problem is the most difficult, due in part to the fact that 120 men who did not use the building previously, are now training for track work there. In addition, as the University basketball squad is practicing on the main floor every afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock, the men from the Law School and the Graduate School of Business Administration and the unclassified students who have been holding basketball practice on that floor cannot be permitted to do so now as there is no time when space is available for them. For this reason, the Department of Physical Education is making arrangements so that these men can have the use of the Freshman Athletic Building on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until 4.30, when the Freshman practice commences.
Even with these men using the Freshman Athletic Building, there will be scarcely sufficient floor room in Hemenway for the regular University basketball squad to practice. Consequently, a space at one end of the main floor has been curtained off so that 10 or 15 men can practice shooting goals in this en-
closed area while the remainder of the squad is scrimmaging in the main court.
As Coach Conley's boxing classes are overcrowded, it has been necessary to require the Freshmen to report in the early afternoon. Otherwise it would be impossible to accommodate all the upperclassmen in the sections which begin at 3.15 and 4 o'clock.
In addition, the facilities for wrestling and fencing are not adequate and there is difficulty in providing space for the gymnastic squad now practicing in the building.
Not Enough Squash Courts
At the University Squash Courts the department is having serious difficulty in providing courts for the Freshman who wish to play. At present 32 men are in each section but there are only 13 courts available. At present there are four sections on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the department is arranging others on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to accommodate the overflow.
As there are 53 Freshmen who are being taught to swim in the Big Tree Swimming Pool, there is no opportunity for other first-year men to use this tank at present.
On November 1 the 150 lockers available in the Big Tree Swimming Pool Building were all rented for the remainder of the year. Since there is a long waiting list for the lockers, additional ones will be placed on a new floor which is to be built over the stairway.
Figures compiled by the Department of Education yesterday show the number of lockers that had been rented, on or before December 1st, to members of the University other than those who are taking compulsory athletics.
The figures are:
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