Coach Wachter put Team A through two short, stiff scrimmages yesterday afternoon following the customary formation work. The first quintet succeeded in downing both the second and third fives, by the former by a score of 7 to 5, and the latter 7 to 2. There were many personal fouls called during the scrimmages, mostly for charging and running with the ball. R. W. Fitts '23, at right forward, was the principal scorer for Team A, or the Whites, as they were called, and K. A. Buchanan '21 at center for the Reds showed up well. The other men on the Whites were H. B. Tyson, center; A. E. McLeish '23, left forward; S. B. Chase '22, right guard; and H. E. Feiring '23, left guard. G. T. Barker '23 and W. V. Miller '23 played left and right guard respectively for the Reds, and H. W. Holt '21 and T. C. McConnell '21, left and right forward. The other Red team took the floor with E. A. Weeks '22 at center, J. M. Hartley '23 and N. Dipopolo '23 at guards, and J. Pallo '23 and A. M. Lomax Unc., at the forward positions.
Illustrates Changes in Rules
Coach Wachter is trying to teach the rules thoroughly and do away, if possible, with so much of the tendency to foul. Tuesday night at the Freshman Gymnasium he spoke for an hour on the rules, paying particular attention to the many changes that have taken place this year and concluded by giving several illustrations and demonstrations.
The gist of his remarks was that: "To make a success out of any endeavor one has to give himself intelligently and unflinchingly. Knowledge and concentration are the keynotes of success, therefore to be successful in basketball one must know the rules thoroughly and from A to Z in order to guide himself through forty minutes of play."
Coach Responsible for Knowledge of Rules
After the meeting Wachter expressed himself as being surprised to find so many men that actually know nothing about the playing rules. In a few days members of the first and second groups in the basketball squad will be furnished with a printed set of rules to study. "No player should be allowed to enter a game, whether it is basketball or any other game, until he is drilled and drilled in the rules. Many coaches, not the players themselves, are directly responsible for the lack of the knowledge of rules of the game."
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