In so large a University as Harvard, the lack of a modern swimming pool is a serious one. The Big Tree pool, originally intended for one dormitory alone, has long since outlived its usefulness. Neither its swimming nor diving facilities are practicable. There is significance in the fact that the swimming team is forced to rely upon the hospitality of the Boston Y. M. C. A. for a suitable place in which to practice--a condition unfair alike both to the members of the team and the members of the Association. The team must waste time in travelling to and from Boston; the Y. M. C. A. members are deprived of their pool a large part of the afternoon.
Not only the team, but the college as a whole suffers from this lack of a larger pool; for the Big Tree has lately become so crowded by Freshmen who are working off their athletic requirement that neither Freshmen nor upperclassmen drive any benefit from trying to swim there. A new pool of regulation size, with better accommodations, is necessary if either team or individual swimming is to make head way in the University.
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