

To Give Concert and Dance at Chestnut Hill Club Monday

The Harvard Instrumental Clubs will give a concert and dance at the Chestnut Hill Club at 8.30 o'clock Monday evening. The tickets, which may be obtained from H. Elliott Jr. '22 in 39 Claverly Hall, or at the door Monday night, will cost $2.50--a special price of $1.50 being made to undergraduates of the University.

The program, which will be announced in full Monday, will include several specialty numbers, among which will be a pianologue, and a saxaphone specialty.

This concert, the first one which the Musical Clubs have given in Boston since the war, is also the first local concert which they have given this year as an organization distinct from the Glee Club.

Mrs. Andrew Adie, Mrs. F. T. Baldwin, Mrs. G. S. Baldwin, Mrs. H. H. Bemis, Mrs. A. T. Bradlee, Mrs. C. B. Butterfield, Mrs. F. W. Hallowell, Mrs. L. B. Harding, Mrs. H. W. Harris, Mrs. A. W. Hartwell, Mrs. A. M. Hood, Mrs. C. A. Morss and Mrs. W. H. Walker will act as paironesses.


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