

Program of Light Music at 8 Starts Christmas Celebration

The Pierian Sodality will give a concert and dance this evening in the Living Room of the Union beginning at 8 o'clock, when the fifty-piece Pierian Orchestra will play a short and interesting program of light music. Dancing will begin immediately after the concert and will last until 1 o'clock, the Pierian Dance Orchestra furnishing the music. A buffet supper will be served.

The tickets at $3 each or $5 for a couple can be obtained at the Coop, Kent's, Amee's and at the Union, as well as at the door tonight.

The program, composed of light music, is in accordance with the policy of the management to make the work of the orchestra of more interest to the University as a whole.

Mrs. A. L. Lowell, Mrs. L. B. R. Briggs, Mrs. H. A. Yeomans, Mrs. C. N. Greenough, Mrs. G. P. Baker, Mrs. A. T. Davison and Mrs. E. B. Hill will act as patronesses.
