The following nominations by petition for Secretary and committees of the Senior Class were received last night before 6 P. M.
For Secretary
Stacy Courtis Richmond of Dongan Hills, Staten Island, New York.
For the Class Committee
Richard Sears Humphrey of Milton.
For the Photographic Committee
C. Rodgers Burgin of Quincy.
For the Class Day Committee
Walter Henry Bieringer of Brighton, Theodore Vail Bullard of South Orleans, Stoddard Benham Colby of New York City, John Brooks Fenno Jr. of Boston, Arthur Dean Hamilton of Milton, Alexander McElwain of Cambridge, Charles Edward Masters of Newton Center and Thomas Crane Wales of Chestnut Hill.
Philip Hofer of Cincinnati, Ohio, has withdrawn his name from those nominated for the Photographic Committee.
To be eligible to vote at this election, men must have entered or be sure of getting a degree with the class of 1921. A list of eligible voters will be posted in Sever, the Union, the Crimson Building and Memorial Hall tomorrow. All those who are in doubt as to their eligibility should report at the Crimson Building at 1.30 tomorrow.
The following Juniors have been appointed poll-watchers for the remaining Senior elections, which will be held tomorrow at the Crimson Building and Memorial Hall:
Crimson Building
8 to 9, A. L. Abbott and J. Alger Jr.; 9 to 10, G. M. Appleton and C. W. Baker Jr.; 10 to 11, W. J. Banes and O. Barton; 11 to 12, F. G. Bemis and G. P. Bickford; 12 to 1, R. G. Boyd and J. T. Bradlee; 1 to 2, H. C. Burr and A. H. Chatfield; 2 to 3, N. Choate and J. Codman; 3 to 4, O. H. Coolidge and F. W. Crocker; 4 to 5, G. S. Morse and R. Emerson; 5 to 6, D. P. Ferguson and H. M. Forbes.
Memorial Hall
8 to 8.45, W. Gale and J. C. Green; 8.45 to 9.30, F. T. Pratt and L. A. Hallock; 12 to 12.45, P. Harrison, R. H. Hopkins, E. V. Otis and C. J. Innes; 5.30 to 6, R. N. Johnson and L. B. La Farge.
It is of the utmost importance that these men should appear promptly at the designated times or should procure a substitute as they alone are responsible for watching the polls at the times appointed.
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