
H. A. A. CUTS 1919-20 DEFICIT TO $24,000 UNDER 1918-19 LOSS


For the year 1919-20, the first normal athletic season since the war, the accounts of the Harvard Athletic Association showed a total deficit of $6343.44. In the "war" year, 1918-1919, due to the fact that the expenses were great, and the receipts exceedingly small, the loss was $30,208.10. In 1915-1916, the last normal year, the loss was only $368.35. The loss last year, $6000 greater than that of 1915-1916, is, as expected, due both to the fact that prices of necessary materials and wages had gone up out of all proportion to the prices charged for tickets, and that as a great deal of material was given away during the war to service elevens, a large amount of new supplies had to be purchased.

Gain in Receipts Over 1915-16

Last year a total of $168,234.84 was taken in; only $32,211.78 in 1918-1919; and $155,893.19 in 1915-1916. This shows that last year a gain of about $13,000 was made over the receipts of 1915-1916. However, expenses last year showed an increase of $18,000 over 1915-1916, but this amount would have been much larger if strenuous efforts had not been made in every department to curtail expenses.

Last year baseball and football were the only major sports which made money. Football was the biggest money maker with its receipts showing a gain of over $74,282 over the expenses. Baseball came next, earning about $12,486. Crew showed the greatest loss with $17,559; track involved the next greatest net expense, with $10,709, followed by hockey with $3469.

But besides having to take the deficit of the other major sports out of the earnings of football and baseball, this money had to be used to make up the deficit of such minor sports as soccer, golf and gym which took in absolutely and receipts on their games but whose expenses amounted to more than $2000, as well as the deficit of the other minor sports, which although they earned something, never fully paid their expenses. The total amount necessary to keep the minor sports running was about $12,000.


1923 Athletics Lost $8000

Freshman athletics showed a loss of about $8000. Freshman football took in the largest amount of money, but required the greatest outlay to keep it going; its receipts amounted to $1020.70, while its expenses were $2839.83. Freshman crew lost more money than did any other yearling sport, as it took in only $16.50, while its expenses were $2539.40. Freshman baseball and hockey were the only two sports which took in no receipts at all; the expenses of the former being $1396.71, while those of the latter were $245.08. Freshman tennis was the only first year sport to make money, and its receipts exceeded its expenses only about $50.
