One hundred and fifteen members of the University Glee Club will sing in Symphony Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Archibald T. Davison '06, who has accomplished so much in training the singers that the Glee Club has been spoken of by critics as "the ablest men's choir in America," will conduct. Albert Spalding, the famous violinist, who is the soloist, will play a violin obligato which Dr. Davison has written to accompany Schumann's "Gypsy Life." This will be the feature of the program, for it is seldom that an audience has an opportunity to hear a male chorus and a violin obligato together.
The few seats still available are on sale at the box office in Symphony Hall. The management expects that the hall, which has a seating capacity of 2700, will be sold out for this concert as it is the first appearance of the Glee Club in Boston this year.
Another concert will be given in Symphony Hall on Thursday, February 17, when Frieda Hempel will sing as soloist. Then, on Wednesday, April 6, the club will appear with Fritz Kreisler, who will play an obligato to a set of Brahm's "Love Songs," one of the finest selections that the Glee Club sings. This will be the last concert that the Glee Club is scheduled to give in Symphony Hall during the 1920-21 season.
The complete program for the first concert, which will be given tonight, follows:
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