


"For nearly three centuries the state, the government, and the commonwealth have leaned on Harvard College," said Governor Calvin Coolidge at the dinner given last night by the Memorial Society to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the building of Massachusetts Hall. "Massachusetts especially has looked on it as the product of her civilization. Founded by a man who had her interests at heart it became a place primarily un- der religious auspices and at the came time a pillar of the state; ever since that time it has remained loyal and true to the principles of the commonwealth.

"It was natural in those times to approach the commonwealth for aid, through the clergy. On two occasions, actual appropriations for enlarging the College were made by the government of the state, following bills introduced in the legislature; it is interesting to note that July 4 and May 30 were the respective dates of these two appropriation bills. The material relation between state and college has long ceased to exist, but its relations otherwise must and will continue to exist.

"This building is of great historical interest. It is a wonderful thing that it has been preserved for us, that it, has escaped such disasters as fire, that it has escaped the prevalent "desire for improvement." It stands here a monument to all that Massachusetts stands for, under a dignified name that gives it a setting more expressive than any other building in the commonwealth. The state of Massachusetts has always been one of the first to respond to any call, no matter in what part of the world this call may have come from; we should pay a tribute to the Massachusetts spirit as it existed in the commonwealth and as shown correspondingly by the sons of Harvard College. Let that spirit go on--that it may grow and increase everywhere and that it may help knowledge and light to come in throughout.
