

Then Students Not in Dormitories Will Be Reached to Make Complete 100 Percent Subscription

The reports to date of the committee in charge of the drive for the Endowment Fund among the undergraduates of the College show that a total of $60,021.66 has been subscribed. Figures show that with four exceptions every dormitory went over the top with 100 percent subscribed.

Subscriptions from men who do not reside in dormitories, however, have come in very slowly in spite of the efforts which the College Endowment Fund Committee have made to get in personal touch with these students. Although every means were tried to communicate with these men, final statistics show that in not a single class have these students, not living in dormitories, subscribed more than 28 percent. The percent of these men enrolled in each class was as follows: 1921, 28 percent; 1922, 14 percent; 1923, 21 percent; and 1924, 20 percent. Consequently the committee requests that all men who live outside the dormitories and who have not yet subscribed, report at the Endowment Fund office in the Crimson Building when the drive reopens Monday and sign up so that a full 100 percent quota can finally be reached.

The committee in charge of the drive has decided to discontinue active work until Monday. On this day, however, the campaign will start intensively again and a final effort made to bring the quota up to the 100 percent mark. As the "outside" students have made the poorest showing, they will be given the most attention.

The office of the College Endowment Fund Committee will again be established at the Crimson Building, and will remain open from nine to six every day until the drive ends.
