

Would You Believe It?

To the Editor of The Republican:--

You say truly in your news item of November 30, "That nitre cocktails find favor among Hub's better classes." For if the formula comes from Harvard can there be higher authority?

If Harvard or any other college or university patted itself and said, "It is not I," when the distressing event from rum running came off at Dartmouth, the proctors at Harvard and perhaps other colleges have another guess coming.

Three times this fall I have been told how the nitre is treated to make a most desirable base for the cocktail that is said to be almost as good as the real thing--and all "within the gates" of this venerable sea of learning and research work.

Of course this is a stunt for chemistry students--not for the press--perhaps more than anything else to see what they can do in the line of making "hooch," as outsiders do in concocting "homebrew." It would not do to believe that nitre cocktails have become a steady drink for the boys. VERITAS


A letter from The Springfield Republican.
