

"June Love," at the Arlington, Proves to be Delightful Comedy

"June Love" opened Monday evening at the Arlington Theatre before a very enthusiastic audience. It is a play full of delightful surprises in the way of specialty dancing, songs, and clever lines.

The cast is headed by Elsie Alder, well remembered from "Miss Springtime"--a prima donna who, wonderful to say, can act. Her singing is far above that usually heard in musical comedies. Mr. Rutherford, as Jack Garrison, fulfills his claim as a "red-blooded man." John Cherry redeems his initial appearance when he impersonates a "wild man." "Those three and four more" put him in a condition which at all times amused the audience. Charles Meakins, whose portly but sprightly figure has brought out laughs in "Miss Springtime" and "See-Saw," is his usual smiling self in "June Love," and is well supported by that well-known stage "vamp" Zoe Barnett.

The dancing, with seven different specialty numbers, is diverse and ample, Queenic Smith, whose technique be-speaks her earlier training with the Metropolitan Opera Company, features in several song and dance numbers and caps her performance with a solo too dance specialty which was the hit of the evening. A "Divertissement" by Mr. Piatou and Miss Kitchen, who is of the Marylyn Miller and Helen Hayes type, is by far the best specialty dance seen in Boston this year. Miss MacKay, whose youthful beauty appeals to the eye, should not have her efforts passed by without praise.

A review of "June Love" would not be complete without a word about Miss Mitchell as MacIntyre, a Scotch maid whose forceful personality and use of the "absent treatment" causes Charles Brown, as a valet, to forego his single blessedness.

Of the score, "Someone Like You" stands out above a collection of songs any one of which would ordinarily be a hit. "Careful," as are all the songs in which Miss Alder sang, is both tuneful and substantial. "Dear Love, My Love" has a romantic touch. "But I'm Not in Love With You," aided by Mr. Meakins, scored another hit. As for the scenery, the arrangement and lighting effects of Act II produced instant applause from the audience at the rise of the curtain.


Judging from its reception Monday evening, "June Love" deserves a more central location, but despite its being off the beaten tracks of Boston playgoers, should remain here for a protracted stay, and ought to prove one of the popular hits of the year

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