


Sixty members of the Glee Club will be taken on the Western Trip which is scheduled to start on Wednesday evening, December 22, when the men leave Boston and go to Cleveland to give the first concert of the tour on December 23. It has been reported that three thousand people will be present when the club sings in this city.

From Cleveland the club will go to Chicago where it will spend four days. An elaborate program is being arranged by the Harvard Club of Chicago. On the afternoon of Monday, December 27, the Glee Club will go out to Winnetka to sing to a large gathering of school children, returning to Chicago in time for the concert that is scheduled to be given in Orchestra Hall on the the same day. Mr. Voegeli, manager of the Thomas Orchestra, is acting in conjunction with the Harvard Club of Chicago in the management of this concert.

Sing in Kansas City.

The next appearance of the Glee Club will be in Kansas City in the Wesport High School Auditorium on Tuesday, December 28, at 8.15 in the evening. On the following day at the same time, the club will hold a concert in St. Louis at the Odeon which seats 2,500 people.

Although a final agreement has not been reached as yet, the Glee Club will probably go to Louisville, Kentucky, to give a concert on the thirtieth of December.


On December 31 the club will sing in Carnegle Hall in Pittsburg. For its next and final concert, the club will probably go to Buffalo, although as yet no definite decision has been made.
