With the formal opening yesterday of the class campaign for the remainder of the Endowment Fund, and the enrollment of the 40 percent of the graduates who have not as yet contributed, Thomas Nelson Perkins '91; chairman of the Executive Committee, issued the following statement:
"To raise $15,250,000 for the University and to enroll as a subscriber for something, be it much or little, every living Harvard man. These were the two goals set for the Harvard Endowment Fund. The work last year was carried on by divisional chairmen, to each of whom was assigned a specific territory. The result was the contribution of a little over $12,000,000 and the enrollment of subscribers of slightly less than 60 percent of the living Harvard men.
"Today is the day officially set for the beginning of the work to complete the fund and the enrollment. Between now and December 4th, committees from every college class, with headquarters in Boston and with sub-committees in various parts of the country, will exert every effort to raise the remainder of the fund, which the college so sorely needs, and to so increase the enrollment of the men who have attended the college that the loyalty of her graduates will be beyond question.
"The Executive Committee believes that every living Harvard man, who can be properly reached, will give something. It believes that commensurate with the increase in the number of enrolled subscribers, will be the increase in the desire of the men who have already given to give more. It believes that in this way, and in this way only, can the two important goals of the Harvard Endowment Fund be reached."
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