

Georgia Tech, on Rampage After Pitt Defeat, Crumpled Crippled Coloneis' Attack

Centre College, without its cornerstones, Weaver or Roberts, in its line-up, was shorn of much of its recent glory when it was literally lynched--as occasionally happens in Georgia--by the "Golden Tornado" of Georgia Tech. The score tells the completeness of the route--24 to 0.

Centre Puts Up Scrappy Fight

Reports from Atlanta, however, have it that Centre put up a scrappy fight, but could not seem to set in motion the same brilliant and crashing offense, and the same wonderfully accurate forward passing which was so much in evidence here. McMillin was stopped--and with him went the heart of the Colonels' attack. The star of the Kentuckians' outfit was Tanner, a substitute back in Roberts' position, who did some good punting and shifty running. Montgomery, the big tackle, continued the same sort of slashing play he exhibited here. He is outplaying Weaver this year.

In view of Georgia Tech's complete triumph, the University might well feel disposed to take the Atlanta "Yellow Jackets" instead of the Kentucky eleven.

Georgia Has Fast Eleven


Georgia Tech now has practically an unobstructed path to the Southern Intercollegiate football championship. Although they lost their famous coach, Heisman, now in the throes of a losing season at Penn, they have shown themselves to be a fast and powerful eleven worthy to represent the South in any intersectional struggle. This year they have no fleet-running back equal to Strupper, nor have they any battering ram like the former Carlisle player, Guyon. But Heisman's successor seems to be able to get the lightning start on his shift plays that Heisman himself is not instilling at Franklin Field. The Penn backs, reports have it, can't get the hang of shifting and starting without losing momentum, and that Heisman in his frenzy at their clumsiness, has given them a dose of over coaching. Be that as it may, Georgia Tech seems to have lost little by the departure of the man who made it famous. The defeat by Pitt, 10-3, prevents any titular claim this year; but a defeat by Pitt by only one touchdown is not a loss for which to be ashamed.
