

Captain Callahan and Acosta Back at Guard Berths; Guernsey Temporarily at Center

The Yale Board of Football Strategy, headed by Coach Jones, has decided not to make any special preparations for the Brown game in spite of the fact that the Providence eleven is certain to give them a hard fight, but to devote their entire time and attention to improving the playing of their second and third string men who will undoubtedly be needed in either the Princeton or Harvard games, and to the reconditioning of Captain Callahan, Aldrich, Acosta, Murphy, and Dickens, all of whom have been out of the game for quite a while.

The return of Callahan and Acosta to the line-up was the feature of the practice Monday. However, instead of returning to his regular position at center, Callahan was temporarily installed as guard. Cross, whose work at center in the Calgate game left much to be desired, was given a day off and his place was filled, not by Galvin, but Guernsey. Into and Walker played tackles and the usual pair, Cutler and Dilworth, were at the ends. The backfield combination of Murphy, Kempton, Aldrich, and either Jordan or Frank Kelley, seems to be the most formidable that Coach Jones has been able to select.

While the first string men were busy running through signals, team "B" staged a vigorous scrimmage against Dr. Bull's second eleven. In this game, team "B" demonstrated its general superiority by taking the ball down the field two times in succession to their opponents 10-yard line. However, the coaches decided not to let them score, and gave the ball to the second team in the middle of the field. Nevertheless, the scrubs were unable to gain through the line of their heavier opponents. Knapp at halfback and Sturm at fullback were the individual stars of team "B" and it was due largely to their line-plunging ability that their team was able to advance with so little difficulty.

Should Coach Jones be able to marshal his entire strength against the Tiger eleven, Yale will probably be the favorite to win. However, the Orange and Black team upset all calculations last year by decisively defeating the Elis. This fact will probably make Yale give all that it has in an effort to tie knots in the Tiger's tail and to wipe out the stain of last year's defeat.
