

Plan Many Meets During January and February--First Definite one is B. A. A. Meet in Arena

Captain D. F. O'Connell '21, Coach "Pooch" Donovan and W. J. Bingham '16, Supervisor of Track Athletics, will outline the track program for the winter season at the meeting which will be held in the Hemenway Gymnasium at four o'clock this afternoon. All men who were on the squad last year or this fall, and those who intend to try out for the University squad during the coming winter and spring are expected to be present.

The members of the squad will work out in the gymnasium on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 4 to 5 o'clock under the supervision of Coach Surbeck, who is in charge of the 5 o'clock Hemenway Gymnasium class. There will be special exercises for the men in the different events. One or two "H" or "H. A. A." men will be assigned to each group to help direct the work and to take the men out for a run whenever the weather permits. In addition to this gymnasium work, the field event men will hold practice in the baseball cage. These gym classes which are being conducted to condition the men for track this winter will be continued at least until Christmas vacation.

Freshmen Also Start Work

Freshmen who intend to go out for track are already taking gymnasium work three hours a week under Coach Surbeck to fulfill the requirements of the Department of Physical Education. Any others who wish to run later in the season can enter one of these gym sections by signing up at the Physical Training office in Weld 4.

In addition to the regular meets in which the University track team will take part during the winter season, there will be several relay events in which a four-man team from the University will be entered.


It is probable that several meets will be held in January, but the first definite event of the season which was already been arranged is the B. A. A. meet which will take place in the Boston Arena on the fifth of February. Arrangements are now being made for a triangular meet between Cornell, Dartmouth and the University, to be held in connection with the New England A. A. U. games, which will probably be held in the Arena on the twenty-sixth of February. Near the end of the month there will be a dual meet with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the board track at Soldiers Field. An intra-mural carnival will be held on the board track in the first part of March as the closing event of the winter season.
