General Georges Nivelle and Colonel Paul Azan of the French army will speak at the Union next Friday afternoon, December 3. The meeting, which is open to all members of the Union, will be held in the Living Room, and will be the fourth of the main series of lectures this year.
General Nivelle, who gained fame during the war as commander of the French troops, which defended Verdun, is at present on a tour of the United States, having been sent by the French government as a delegate to the Pilgrim Tercentenary celebration of the American Mayflower Council. He is coming to Boston for two days for the celebration this week, and during his stay will make several speeches. After his talk at the Union he is scheduled to speak before the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of America. Both he and Colonel Azan are to be the guests of President Lowell on Friday evening. Because of the uncertainties of the General's schedule, the exact time of the Union meeting has not yet been definitely set, but it will probably be held at 4.30 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon in order to allow him time for dinner before his evening speech. He is to attend the ball at the Copley-Plaza, which is for the benefit of devastated France.
Although General Nivelle has not as yet announced the subject of his address, he will probably speak on France-American relations, and "Christian Internationalism."
Colonel Azan, who has been officially appointed by the French government as side to General Nivelle during his stay in Boston, is well known to Harvard men especially through his leadership of the University R. O. T. C. at the beginning of the war. As colonel of the regiment he rendered invaluable service in training the men in actual war conditions, as he had experienced them at the front.
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