
Coop Moves to Make Room for August

Mr. Cole, manager of the Harvard Cooperative Society, recently announced when the Society had decided to abandon the branch store at 1322 Massachusetts avenue: "We were asked by Mr. August," he said, "to give the store up at the expiration of our lease December 1. We will now have our stock of talking machines and records upstairs in the men's furnishings department, and the theatre tickets in the stationery department, which will now be open until eight o'clock in the evening. In this way, we can fender an equal service to the students of the University while cutting down on our rent and other general expenses."

Mr. August, whose store is next door to the branch, has found that his business has increased to such an extent that he is forced to look for larger quarters. After extensive alterations, his establishment will be one of the finest clothing stores of any college town.
