A student mass meeting under the auspices of the Loyal Coalition will be held in the Living Room of the Union on Tuesday evening, the seventh of December. Captain Arthur E. Runnells of Montreal, Canada, will be the principal speaker. The meeting will be open to all members of the University.
Captain Runnells held several important positions during the war. At one time he was in charge of a secret mission sent over to France by the British Government to investigate conditions in the war area. Although he has not announced his subject yet, it is probable that he will relate some of his experiences and explain the need for close cooperation between the two great English speaking nations.
Demarest Lloyd '04, the President of the Loyal Coalition and one of its most active workers, is very anxious to give members of the University an opportunity to hear a well-informed speaker on Anglo-American relations discuss the present situation and consequently has arranged this meeting for the purpose. The Loyal Coalition, which has grown from a small group of men to a large and powerful organization, stands for 100 percent Americanism and friendly relations between Great Britain and the United States.
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