Maude Fulton is the author and star of "The Humming Bird," a new comedy which will be brought to the Plymouth next week.
A musical comedy which has found much favor during its run in New York is "The Sweetheart Shop," which will open at the Tremont Theatre on Monday next.
An interesting experiment in the American theatre has been meeting with considerable success in New York, where Wagenhals and Kemper are producing "Spanish Love." In addition to the usual stage space, the actors in this play make use of the aisles, the boxes and the rear of the theatre for their entrances and exits. The innovation is an importation from Spain, "Spanish Love" having been there for 25 years a popular classic drama under the name of aria del Carmen."
Boston audiences have a spectacular mystery play in store for them when "The Bat" leaves its current shelter at the Morosco Theatre in New York. Mary Roberts Rinchart and Avery Hapwood are responsible for the baffling story it presents.
"When We Are Young," starring Henry Hull and Alma Tell, which was reported to be opening in Boston on November 29, has started its season at the Broadhurst Theatre, New York, instead.
The name of E. Ray Goetz's latest musical offering, due to arrive here next week, has been changed from "Here and There" to "Vogues and Vanities."
Otto Harbach and Rudolf Frim1 have composed the book and music, respectively for "June Love," the new musical play which will be next week's attraction at the Arlington.
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