

Week and a Half Remains to Collect $2,000,000 to Complete Fund

During this final week and a half of the Endowment. Fund Drive an organized campaign for subscriptions will be conducted among the undergraduate body. Although the student contributions may be small in comparison with the total amount of $2,800,000,00 which still remains to be raised, gifts even of one dollar are worth while.

At present the campaign among graduates is being pushed vigorously. F. Nelson Perkins '91 has requested all who have given previously to double their original subscriptions, and in response to this, members of the executive committee and chairmen of the classes from 1880 to 1920 have done so almost to a man. It is only in this last extremity that undergraduate subscriptions have been sought. However, in the early days of the drive, a member of the class of 1920 asked to be allowed to add his contribution to those of the alumni. The exception was granted and $25,000 was turned over to the treasurer. Several more thousand dollars have been donated recently, and in a number of cases, where parental authority has been received, students have signed pledges for the future.
