


Williams' sophomores came out a sad second best in the annual tug-of-war classic between 1923 and 1924 held at the Berkshire college recently. Practically the entire Freshman class were assembled and literally ran away with the 40 Sophomore unfortunates, dragging them through the waters of Green River, the temperature of which registered 27 degrees Fahrenheit.

According to tradition this left the Freshmen in possession of the rope, and with it they promptly started a triumphal march up Main street. The second year men strove valiantly to gain it back, assaulting the yearlings on foot and even with a Ford, but were easily repulsed.


Princeton's Triangle Club--her very able Dramatic Organization -- has mapped out a Christmas itinerary covering 3000 miles and including 11 cities, among which are New York and Pittsburg and middle western cities. Four special cars will carry the cast on this trip, which lasts from December 18 to 30.


The first performance will be a matinee given at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York. From there the show travels to Pittsburg and then westward. Kansas City and Omaha will be two cities to be visited for the first time.

Trials for the cast and show are now going on and final selections will be made soon.


With over thirty candidates out, yesterday afternoon, from last year's University, Freshman and fraternity teams for the five positions on the 1920-21 Columbia basketball team, competition promises to be unusually keen this year. The new coach, Joseph H. Deering, took charge of the squad and put them through a light workout of passing and basket shooting.

Of the men reporting, only two were on last year's University, Stutz and Horowitz. Tynan and Watson are also planning to come out. From last year's Freshman team, Springhorn and Eder were present. Pulleyn, another eligible candidate, is now on the football squad.


At a recent meeting of the Dartmouth Bema board it was decided to make the Bema a real pictorial, rather than to continue it in the past literary form. This change in policy is due to the increasing demand of the student body for college pictures and also to the natural development of the publication, which has gradually been adding to its pictorial pages.

Under the name of the "Football Issue" the new Bema was issued November 16.

The literary aspect has not been entirely, discarded in this issue, for two stort stories of merit and a clever humorous article have prominent places in the number.

University of Chicago

That Harvard is not the only college where their is a deplorable lack of class spirit as shown by the voting, is evinced by the following article from "The Daily Maroon," the University of Chicago's daily:.

"Yesterday's results in the first registration for class elections were disappointing, the total being only 496, as compared with 976 voting in last year's elections. An interesting comparison may be made between yesterday's totals, by classes, and those of the balloting a year ago:   Yesterday.  Last Year. Seniors,  90  146 Juniors,  127  210 Sophomores,  117  187 Freshmen,  162  433"
