(Translated from an article on the American Election in L'Illustration, Paris.)
As for Mr. Calvin Coolidge, he is in some respects the reincarnation of Lincoln. This man, cold, austere, hard with himself, hard with the enemies of public order, is the symbol of the law. Governor of Massachusetts, he clashed with the first attempt of Bolshevism which showed itself in the United States in the form of a strike in the public service in Boston. He broke it ot once by his marble firmness and his stern refusal to parley with the strikers.
His mode of action recalls exactly that of M. Millerand. he said, "No," and it was No. Add to this a temperate, flawless style, revealing a great depth of though, a high sense of duty, and you will have one of the most serious and most attractive personalities of contemporary America. His speech of acceptance of the Vice-Presidency will reamain one of the models of didactic style. Said he:
"Men love to talk today constantly of their natural rights. But I defy any one to show men in Nature a right that has not its corresponding duty and which does not rest upon a law. The right can only be observed when the law is obeyed."
Words which are heard rarely in a democracy and which surprise at this time. From the New York Tribune.
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