


At a recent meeting of the James A. Shannon Post, American Legion, it was announced that the Post had secured for the use of its members a room on the third floor of the Varsity Club. Definite notice of the opening of this room will be given in a later issue of the CRIMSON. The room will serve as headquarters for the Post, and will be supplied with current service periodicals as well as a bulletin board containing official notices for the Legion.

On Armistice Day a special chapel service under the auspices of the Post has been arranged. Rev. Sherrard Billings '80 of Groton, during the war an overseas chaplain, will conduct the service. It was voted to recommend that all service men in the University, whether Legion members or not, wear on November 11 either the Legion button or the regular service button as observance of the day.

Throughout the winter the Post will hold occasionally, for members only, informal smoke talks. At each of them some expert in some special military phase of the war will speak to the members who cars to be present.

The Post is particularly interested in entering as many University men as possible in the Americanization work now being conducted by the Legion. The national director of this work is Arthur Woods '92, a member of the Board of Overseers. Briefly, the work consists of a campaign of education among unnaturalized residents who should become citizens. An opportunity for service is offered any man who will volunteer to speak at an occasional meeting to explain the meaning of American citizenship-the opportunities for naturalization. Any member of the University may have the chance to help by sending his name as that of a volunter to the Adjutant of the James A. Shannon Post, University Hall, Cambridge.

All ex-service men in the University are asked to join the Post. Men whose war records are listed at the Harvard War Record Office may enroll as members by mailing $2.00 to the Assistant Adjutant, University Hall. Other men should fill out application blanks, which may be secured from the Adjutant, and should, in order to save time, present with their application copies of their discharge.
