


Football practice yesterday for the University squad consisted of the usual signal drill, kicking practice, and dummy scrimmage.

At four o'clock the parade of undergraduates, headed by the band, was admitted to the Stadium in order to witness this final workout and to practice cheers and songs. While the spectators were cheering the team, the coaches, the subs, and the second team, the first two University elevens held kicking practice Later team "A" went down the field in a short signal drill and teams "B" and "C" repeated this performance. This was followed by an exhibition game between the first two teams of the second squad. Although the first-string-men were given the ball near the middle of the field, they soon lost it on a fumble, and were forced back to their ten-yard line in five successive plays. Here the performance ended with a blocked pass.

Line-Up Not Yet Definite

The University eleven lined up in signal practice yesterday as follows: Kane and Crocker, ends; Hubbard and Faxon, tackles; Tolbert and Brown, guards; Havemeyer, center; Fitzgerald, quarterback; Churchill and Owen, halfbacks; and Captain Horween, fullback. When asked if this line-up would start the game Saturday, Coach Fisher said that he would start Woods at guard, but whether Sedgwick would displace either Hubbard or Faxon at tackle, or whether Macomber would start at end, was a problem which would depend on conditions at New Haven Saturday and would not be decided until the last minute before the game.

The team "B" backfield lined up as follows: Buell, quarterback; Gratwick and Fitts, halfbacks; and Hamilton, fullback. Gaston and Macomber were at the wing positions. If none of these men are shifted to team "A" before the game, they will certainly be the first men called upon to replace the regulars.


The team will leave for the Back Bay Station from in front of Beck Hall this morning at 9.20 and as many men as possible should assemble at this time to give them an enthusiastic send-off.

37 Players Make Trip

The following squad of 37 men will make the trip: Brocker, Brown, Buell, Chapin, Churchill, Clark, Cooper, Crocker, Eastman, Faxon, Finley, Fitts, Fitzgerald, Gaston, Gratwick, Hamilton, Havemeyer, Holmes, Horween, Hubbard, Humphrey, Johnson, Kane, Kunhardt, Lockwood, Macomber, Morrison, Olmsted, Owen, Rouillard, Sedgwick, Stillman, Tierney, Tolbert, Wales, Wharton and Woods.

Head Coach R. T. Fisher will take along with him as an advisory staff the following assistant coaches: W. B. Blake, F. V. Bradlee, C. A. Coolidge, W. B. Felton, R. Horween, J. L. Knox, Leo Leary, M. J. Logan, W. J. Murray, D. C. Parmenter, E. H. Soucy, W. B. Snow, W. H. Trumbull and R. B. Wigglesworth.

The managers who will accompany the team are: Manager J. A. Sessions '21, Assistant-Manager R. R. Higgins '22 and the second-assistant manager candidates, J. Larocque '23 and H. V. P. Harris '23. Gardener Foster '21 and C. W. Baker Jr. '22, manager and assistant-manager of the second team, and the second assistant candidates, E. S. Webster '23 and D. F. Bush '23, preceded the team to New Haven last night.
