Over 3000 calendar announcements, bearing dates and memoranda for November and December, have been sent out by the Union to its 1950 members and its 1100 life members. These calendars contain announcements of seven interesting future events, the first of which is the play-by-play reproduction of the Yale Game next Saturday.
A series of small lectures and discussions to be held in the Trophy Room of the Union is the most important of the new plans the Union is the most important of the new plans the Union has put into effect. This series will begin on Tuesday, November 30, when the Honorable Mark Sheldon, Australian Commissioner to the United States, will speak on "Australian Commissioner to the United States, will speak on "Australian Labor Legislation." James Keating, Special Envoy from Czecho-Slovakia, will be the second speaker under the new plan, and Mark Sullivan, the famous newspaper correspondent, who will lecture on "Journalism" on Monday, December 13, will be the third.
In the main lecture series, the next event will be Professor Copeland's Christmas Reading on Wednesday, December 15, to be followed on the next Monday with a lecture by Villjamur Stefansson, the world famous Arctic explorer.
Several miscellaneous announcements fill out the calendars, of which the most notable is that of Professor Copeland's fall reading next Tuesday, especially for Freshmen.
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