


As only a few days remain before the Yale game in which to bring the team to its acme of efficiency, Coach Fisher eliminated the usual Monday lay-off and sent his men through a long and vigorous practice. Realizing that each man must know his own part in each play perfectly, before the team can work together as a coherent unit, he has planned to give the eleven a great deal of individual coaching, and yesterday saw the first day of this work since early in the season. Following this, came a dummy scrimmage between teams "A" and "B" and later another dummy scrimmage between each team of the University squad and the second team. The work of the day was closed by a kicking drill in which the backfield men of teams "A" and "B" took part.

Sedgwick Unhurt Saturday

Woods is the only man on the squad who did not report in uniform yesterday. His leg bruise is still bothering him, but reports seem to indicate that he will be in fit condition to start the Yale game. Sedgwick and Gaston, both of whom have been injured, but who played well against Brown, weathered the struggle in good shape, and will also be able to add their strength to the squad next Saturday.

Team "A" as it lined up yesterday will, in all probability, start the game against Yale. It seems that Coach Fisher does not wish to break up the winning combination of Kane and Crocker at the ends, although they may be replaced later in the game by Gaston, Macomber, or Finley, who has been coming fast. Hubbard and Sedgwick were at tackle, Tolbert and Brown at guard, and Havemeyer at center.

Backfield Make-Up Hangs Fire


In the backfield, Owen and Captain Horween are the only two men who are sure of their positions. The problem of Buell and Fitzgerald for quarterback, Fitts, Churchill or Humphrey for half-back will not be decided until the last practice Thursday at the earliest; and resolves into a question of which will make for the best team work. However, Coach-Fisher is extremely lucky to have men of such equally high calibre to choose from, and it is evident to anyone who saw the Brown game, that the substitution of any of the second string men will not materially weaken the team.
