With the exception of the work on the tackling dummies, football practice yesterday for the University squad was almost a repetition of the work on Wednesday. The afternoon session started with a long kicking practice in which Fitts' punting easily outdistanced that of any other man on the field. Buell and Horween also made some very long and spectacular drop-kicks.
Following this came a short signal drill between teams "A" and "B". The second-string men again tried the Brown plays and team "A" again showed its complete knowledge of these formations by checking them almost before they were started.
Team "B" and Seconds Scrimmage
Then, the preliminaries of the afternoon being over, team "B" was sent through a half-hour scrimmage with Coach Knox's seconds. As on Wednesday, this struggle ended with team "B" two touchdowns ahead of its black-jerseyed opponents; Rouillard distinguishing himself by making both of the scores. Receiving the ball on their own 10-yard line, the University men, by a clever combination of open play and a series of irresistible plunges through the line, took the ball straight down the field for the first touchdown. Only once were they stopped for two plays, and then a pass from Johnson to Gratwick gained the necessary 10 yards. The second touchdown was almost a repetition of the first; team "B" showed its superiority over its opponents by tearing through the line and skirting ends almost at will.
Kennedy and Martin Star
On the second team Kennedy and Martin starred. The former, by his deadly tackling and his accurate diagnosis of plays, showed that he might well be considered first-string material. Martin again repeated his performance of Wednesday by intercepting a forward pass and taking the ball for a long gain. The entire black-jerseyed team fought well but were unable to stop the fierce charges of Sedgwick and Brown, and it was through the holes opened by these two men that Rouillard, Hamilton and Gratwick made most of their gains.
The team "B" line-up, which is probably the same that Coach Fisher will send against Brown, was as follows: Crocker and Finley, ends; Sedgwick and Lockwood, tackles; Holmes and Brown, guards; Tierney, center; and Johnson, alternating with Buell, Gratwick, Humphrey, and Hamilton, alternating with Rouillard, in the backfield.
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