


With the conclusion of Freshman football tomorrow, the interdormitory contests will occupy the Yearling stage. Beginning Monday, a series will be played by teams made up from the players who failed to win their numerals against Yale and any other Freshmen who would like to compete for their halls. It is hoped to make a great deal more of this series than ever before, and, as men will be needed to fill out the line-ups, everyone interested is urged to report Monday afternoon. The games will extend only through Thursday, so that no serious inroad will be made on the men's time. Members of the Freshman squad not on the team are especially desired, as they will be permitted to participate in this series. Five points towards the dormitory championship shield will go to the hall winning, while three and one points will be given respectively to the runner-up and third place.

Assign Coaches to Dormitories

H. L. Hoffman 2G. has been assigned as coach to the Smith Halls team; D. Marks 3L. to Standish; and F. W. Aldenderfer uL. to the Gore eleven. Coach Rich will have supervision of the entire series. Captains for the three line-ups have been appointed as follows: A. P. Hinckley, Smith; C. McVeagh, Standish; and W. A. Coolidge, Gore. The first game will be played Monday afternoon between Smith and Gore. All who intend to participate in the series should report that afternoon to the coaches on Soldiers Field. On Tuesday the winner of the first contest will meet Standish, while last place will be decided by Thursday's game.

Regulars Still on Side Lines

The first Freshmen appeared in much the same shape as yesterday, most of the regulars watching the practice from the side lines. Team B ran through a long dummy scrimmage against A after the usual routine workout. A snappy signal drill followed, with emphasis laid on charging as well as new plays. Though several of the regular linesmen went through the preliminary workout, it was observed that a substitute line entered the mix-up and that the backfield was second string material. It is obvious that Coach Ryan hopes to be able to enter a team with somewhat of its full strength in Saturday's struggle, and that he is carefully nursing his injured men for that purpose.


The second Freshman squad easily defeated Commerce High in an informal scrimmage. Coach Rich had a chance to try out all his material against the invading blue jersies, who crumpled before the Yearlings' offense. Despite fumbling and loose playing, the seconds piled up two touchdowns in the three-quarters of an hour scrimmage. Commerce showed little, though her backs got loose for several considerable gains.
