A prize of $100 has been offered by Mr. Richard Sears for the best oral argument on the question, "What Responsibility Has Congress to the People?" The contest is open to all undergraduates in Harvard College.
The conditions have been announced as follows by Professor Arthur N. Holcombe '06, Chairman of the Department of Government: "Each competitor must submit to the Chairman of the Department of Government on or before December 4th a written brief in which he states his definition of the question and indicates the nature of the argument which he will make, together with a summary of the evidence which he will offer in support of his contentions. On the basis of these briefs three competitors will be chosen to make the oral arguments. Each competitor should plan to occupy about one half-hour in the presentation of his case. In awarding the prize more importance will be attached to the substance than to the form of the argument. Further information concerning this prize-contest may be obtained at Widener 774. Announcement of the date and place of the oral arguments will be made later.
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