


Mr. Norman Angell, distinguished publicist and economic writer, will speak in the Living Room of the Union tonight at 8 o'clock on the subject of "The Menace of a New Order in Europe and America." Assistant Professor Francis B. Sayre, Law '12, of the Harvard Law School, is to act as chairman of the meeting and will introduce Mr. Angell. The lecture will be open to members of the Union and the Student Liberal Club only.

Mr. Angell, who has lived in France and Germany, and has been for several years intimately associated with British political movements, deals in his lecture with the forces that underlie the social upheavals in Europe and what constitutes their danger; ending with an outline of what policy might render them harmless.

No Political Affiliations

It is understood that Mr. Angell is not associated definitely with any political party, but, judging from his books, such as "America and the World State" and "The Foundations of International Policy," and from his widely published articles on the proceedings of the Peace Conference, he has evinced liberal tendencies. In his book "The Great Illusion," he was the first writer on international affairs to stress the role that credit would play in the after effects of the war and to suggest the impossibility of collecting an indemnity commensurate with the cost of modern war. He also argued that even victory could not bring political safety or economic welfare, and that the usual assumption concerning the advantages of conquest and political power were illusory.

Before Mr. Angell lectures tonight, a dinner will be given in his honor at 6.30 o'clock in the Quiet Room of the Union to which the members of the Liberal Club and many prominent men have been invited.
