
Invite French to Penn Relays

Dr. George W. Orton, manager of the University of Pennsylvania Relay Carnival announced recently that he had sent a formal invitation to the athletic director of the University of Paris inviting a French track team to compete in the big relay carnival at Franklin Field next April.

Dr. Orton suggested that a complete team be sent, but should that prove impossible, he urged the French Institution to send relay teams for the one and two mile events, particularly, and for any other event it wished to enter. It is the first time a French team has been invited to compete in the meet.

Informal invitations were extended the French athletes by Pennsylvania men when they were in Europe for the Olympic games, and Dr. Orton stated they expressed an enthusiastic desire to participate in the Franklin Field games.

Last year Cambridge and Oxford were represented at the meet by a combined relay team, and Oxford led by Rudd, established a new world's record for the two mile event. Dr. Orton also stated that although it had not definitely been decided, it was hoped that the same team would return for the games next April.
