Mr. Norman Angell, eminent political and economic writer, will make one of his first addresses in America since the armistice when he lectures next Friday night, November 12, at 8 o'clock, in the Living Room of the Union on "The Menace of a New Order in America and Europe." The meeting will be the second of the Student Liberal Club's series of lectures on present day problems and will be open only to the members of this club and the members of the Union.
Mr. Angell, after passing his youth on an American ranch, went to England some years ago and is now one of the most widely read of all writers treating with international politics, and his books have been translated into some 25 languages. He was an associate of Lord Northcliffe in one of his boldest newspaper ventures--the establishment of the "Continental Daily Mail." Many years in France, and several tours through Germany, have given him a broad background for the construction of his striking theories.
"The Great Illusion," "The Foundations of International Policy" and "The Political Conditions of Allied Success," are but three of Mr. Angell's works which have stirred the publics of England and the continent and brought statements of high commendation from such men as Lord Esher, President of the Imperial Defence Committee of Great Britain, and Sir Frank Lascelles, former British Ambassador in Berlin, and from the great bulk of the English press.
During the Paris Peace Conference, Mr. Angell wrote many articles which were published in many of the principal papers of this country, and he has now lately returned to the United tates to make a lecture tour, in which his talk here will be among the first, on significant subjects of the present times.
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