

Religious Groups for Freshmen and Upperclassmen Gather for First Time Soon

Three discussion groups will start today and tomorrow and two others early next week. In each of the Freshman dormitories there will be a religious discussion group, to meet for an hour weekly in an informal way for six weeks.

Standish Hall leads the way, her group holding its first meeting in the room of Henry A. LaFarge, Standish D-21, this evening at 7 o'clock. Professor J. W. Platner, Andover Professor of Ecclesiastical History, will be the leader. This group is open to every man in Standish; each one who decides to come is asked to bring one friend in order to make this first meeting a success. At this time the day for the future meetings will be decided upon. A similar group under Daniel H. Fenn of the Divinity School will start tomorrow evening at 7 in the Smith Halls Common Room. A group for men in Gore Hall will be launched next week.

Among the upperclassmen there will be a large religious group without an outside leader which meets tomorrow at 7 o'clock for the first time in the room of H. D. Smith '21, Holworthy 7. Notice of this group has been sent to over 25 men and any other men in the University who want to join are welcome. If the crowd proves too large the group may be split into two.

A group for historical and political discussion for all men interested and especially for those who indicated their interest in the Blue Books, will be started next week.
