It was with little difficulty that the renovated yearling eleven pounded through their lighter opponents 17-7 at Andover on Saturday.
The fact that the Freshman were able to muster their entire strength, including a line averaging 185 pounds a man, and that the Andover captain, and regular quarterback, Wingate, was unable to play, were probably heavy factors in this result. For Wingate's substitute showed none of they captain's individual performance, and ran the team with poor generalship. His constant use of one unbalanced formation with Ellis around the end contributed largely to the Yearling's ability to smother the Academy offence during the latter part of the game.
E. L. Gehrke, back in his regular position of fullback, was easily the greatest factor in the victory, scoring one of the two Freshman touchdowns and consistently out-punting his rivals. Gehrke's score came in the first period, after the Academy, with a ten yard pass and a brilliant 25-yard run by Ellis, their flashing halfback, had succeeded in crossing the Freshman goal line. Four rushes by Gehrke, one of twenty-eight yards, and two by P. Jenkins carried the ball straight down the field 75 yards for a touchdown, which the former made. The lighter schoolboy line seemed to crumple before Gehrke's driving plunges, which sweep right through, gathering momentum as they go. Moreover, in defence and offence, the star fullback showed a natural football instinct, sensing plays and invariably doing the right thing at the right time.
Only One Punt Under Forty Yards.
His punting was one of the features of the afternoon, only one of his spirals failed to reach over forty yards, and all received excellent direction, aimed with astonishing accuracy at the strategic parts of the field. It was his kicking, in fact that led to 1924's other scores. For in the second period, he kicked over Andover's goal line, and the Academy failed to take advantage of their twenty yard gift, losing, the ball on their 35-yard line. From here, the Yearling backs staged another goal ward march, Jenkins carrying the ball across from the two-yard line.
Again in the last half, which was largely a kicking duel. Gehrko's punt rolled over fifty yards, placing the Freshman in position for a field goal, which J. J. Lee made easily.
But the effective back was not the only bright spot in Saturday's play. Ellis, the Andover half, was fully as sensational and probably a faster carrier of the pigskin, registering several gains over fifteen yards apiece.
Jenkins Plays Dependable Game
In the Freshman backfield, Jenkins lived up to his reputation for dependability, gaining consistently and playing an almost perfect game defensively. At quarter, Lee began to show his true value, piloting his team steadily and with splendid judgment. Until injured, F. K. Kornan, who really holds first claim on the pivot position, passed beautifully and blocked in an imposing manner. C. Bradford, his running mate, showed up in much the same light, however, stopping Andover backs behind the line on four occasions. The contest between these two should be close and interesting, though Kernan is the more finished player.
Captain D. F. Holder played his usual steady game. He is a natural leader, and under his captain ship with Lee at quarter, also a spirited leader, the team seems to hold together and be at its very best. Lee is the type of quarter who keeps his men on their toes and Holder inspires them to their greatest efforts.
Though given little opportunity to display his wares, R. Pantaloonl, the new end, gave a noteworthy performance, continually menacing Ellis on his wide end swings.
The victory was not without its price, several of the first string men were retired with injuries of varying degree. Jenkins left the game with a bad knee, the seriousness of which has not been ascertained. Kernan and W. N. Gates both dislocated their shoulders, while C. Hubbard suffered a broken nose. Gates is the only one of this trio badly hurt, and may not play for the rest of the season.
The line-up:
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