

In few places outside of Harvard is there opportunity for so close a personal touch with art in all its forms as is provided by the Fogg Art Museum. Paintings, sculpture, poetry, architecture,--all are there represented by masterpieces which form the small but well-selected variety of its collections.

Today the Museum announces a new and valuable addition of paintings and prints which must interest every art-lover. In conjunction with this announcement comes the fact that the exhibition rooms themselves have been improved so as to afford the opportunity of showing the paintings as a class, or school, rather than as individual works. The Museum is to be congratulated on its new additions, and even more on its alterations. The lack of suitable space has long been an obstacle to the proper hanging of new acquisitions, but we may now hope that so many of its treasures will no longer be stowed away from public view.

The Fogg Museum, thanks to the work of the Fine Arts Department and the cooperation of its staff holds high place. With a series of special exhibitions in prospect, the Museum opens auspiciously another season.
