

Time of Previous Run Cut 30 Seconds--Captain Bemis Crosses Line First

The University harriers yesterday cut 30 seconds from their previous time of 26 minutes 30 seconds over the Cemetery Course. The practice was more in the nature of a competition than the others have been. There was no attempt to keep the men bunched and the pace was stiff for the whole distance.

Ten men started, of whom eight crossed the finish line. Davidson '16 led the way for the first mile and a half, where his place was taken by Captain Bemis, who led at the tape, followed a scant three yards behind by Pratt '23, who led Raycroft by the same distance. For the entire distance the competition had been very keen between these three men, and it was only in the last few hundred yards that there was more than a few feet between them. Bryan, Tait, Bennett and Hoagland followed shortly after the leaders in that order.

The Freshmen cross-country men also ran the Cemetery Course under the leadership of Captain O'Connell. Their time was not taken but it was fairly slow for, although they started about four minutes before the University men, they were overtaken nearly a half mile before the end of the course.
