


Brooks House is a Harvard institution, supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of Harvard men. Its policy is catholic in the broadest sense, recognizing no one religion, sect, or class above any other; its field is the whole University, all departments of which are represented among the 11 societies and committees comprising the association. Chief among the philanthropic activities is that of the Social Service Committee, which last year enlisted 250 men in boys club and Americanization work--a record which this year's committee plans to exceed. About 30 free entertainments for poor people will be given at the settlement houses this year, and two collections of old clothes will be held, the proceeds of which will be given to the needy in this country and abroad. Over 700 books have already been loaned this year from the Text Book Loan Library, at a cost of five cents per book, and 147 books from the Law Loan Library, at a cost of 25 cents per book. A new departure this year is the Infirmary Committee, one member of which will visit Stillman Infirmary each day.

During the summer a letter of welcome from Brooks House was sent to every prospective Freshman, together with a copy of the Harvard Handbook, of which 2500 copies have been distributed. A new Student Committee of upper classmen has been formed to advise Freshmen and acquaint them with the activities of Brooks House. The Information Bureau was open for two weeks before registration and rooms were secured for over 1000 men. Similar bureaus were also operated in all of the Graduate Schools.

Plans for Year's Entertainment

Receptions have been held for Freshmen, foreign students, and for men in the graduate departments and a series of 11 Monday night meetings for Freshmen has been arranged weekly until the Christmas recess. Other things contemplated are Discussion Groups, the Thanksgiving and Christmas parties for men staying in Cambridge, and also the Class Day Spread, which last June was attended by 300 guests.

In brief, Brooks House is the clearing house by means of which the altruistic spirit of Harvard men is organized and given expression. Obviously such an organization cannot function properly without finances; hence the necessity for this week's campaign, which will be the only one this year. Brooks House makes no appeal for support on sentimental grounds. It does, however, expect that all Harvard men who believe in the work it has done and is doing shall support it generously.
