
Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church

All Harvard men are invited to tomorrow's services. Morning Worship, 10.30 A.M. Sermon by Pastor on "The Road to Honorable Pre-eminence." Epworth Class for young men and women students, 12.05 P.M. Epworth League 6.30 P.M. Frank Tomlin, Leader.

Sunday Evening Musical Service of Worship, 7.30 P. M. Pastor preaches on "Christ in the Daily Round." Musical program is as follows:

Mr. Julius Theodorowicz, Violinist Mr. George Laurent, Flutist   Mr. Johan Langedoen, Cellist

Suite "L Arlesienne"  Bizet (a) Prelude (b) Adagietto (c) Minuetto Orientale  Cut Mr. Julius Theodorowicz Intermezzo  Granados Gavotte from "Orpheus"  Gluek Mr. George Laurent Elegle  Massenet Mr. Johan Laugedoen Serenado  Dirigo Menuel  Paderewsky Boatmen's Song  Russian Melodie
