

Discussion Groups were started in the spring of 1918 by a number of interested students. The Faculty highly approved of the idea and did all they could to cooperate. At the time, five groups were immediately formed, but so successful were they that an additional five were necessary to accommodate the two hundred and fifty students who applied. Since then they have been continued, but with dwindling interest.

We all have vague ideas on various topics, religious, political and economic, but we little realize how general they are till we try to analyze them in discussion. These meetings will offer the opportunity to do this; to get new ideas from competent authorities. Harvard is particularly fortunate in having such a large and distinguished Faculty from which leaders may be drawn.

This year, before they are started, it is desired to obtain the student's opinion concerning them and to get any helpful suggestions. The Faculty members do not feel that they can give the time to such groups unless the students really desire their continuance. Blue books have been placed about the University in which students may register their names. If enough interest in shown, the professors will be only too lad to give their leadership. Here is another chance to develop our college life from a new angle.
