(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably Inappropriate.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
We have had under our care for almost a year little 12-year-old boy who was badly burned by fire. During this time he has had repeated rafting of the skin and will still need more, which will necessitate his remaining for some time with us.
"Tommy" was just beginning the eight grade in grammar school when the accident occurred and he is now trying to make up his work and et ahead. He is very bright and willing to learn, but unable to pay for assistance. The dispensary is also unable to bring in teachers because of low finances.
Could you manage to find some one who would be willing to spend from one to two hours every week day, preferably in the afternoon, tutoring "Tommy" in the elementary subjects preparatory for high school? This is asking almost too much from men who have so many other activities: so if you could find one person who could do this work, wouldn't it be possible to find two, or three, or four men who would each come in once a week and assist us?
"Tommoy" is somewhat deformed from his misfortunes and is therefore quite sensitive; so sympathy and patience are needed in handing him. Miss E. JENNISON, Boston Dispensary Hospital,
Any member of the University who feels able to respond to this call should communicate with the Social Service Secretary, Phillips Brooks House.
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