


William H. Geer, Director of Physical Education, has announced the plans formulated by his department for athletics during the winter season, 1920-21.

Organized basketball, handball and indoor baseball will be conducted in the Freshman Athletic Building. R. B. Miller Sp., who has been coaching the 1924 baseball squad this fall, will be in charge of the indoor baseball practice, which will be held from 4 until 6 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning November 1. Later, an interdormitory series will be played as well as games between teams from the various classes.

Basketball Organized

Until the regular Freshman basketball coach has been appointed, Mr. Miller will also supervise the basketball practice to be held on the same days from 2 to 4, commencing next Monday. This is the first year that basketball will be organized extensively and Mr. Geer is calculating on many men taking part in this sport.

Handball will continue to be played on the concrete courts outside the building as long as the weather permits. Thereafter men will use the new indoor courts that have just been marked out in the University Squash Racquets Building.


Men classed in Group D as a result of their physical examinations will report in the Freshman Athletic Building to Mr. Fradd, who will conduct the class in corrective exercise.

Four squash and squash racquets sections will be organized on a 45-minute schedule beginning at 1.45 and continuing until 4.45 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mr. McCloy, who has been conducting the interdormitory tennis tournament on Soldiers Field, will be in charge. As a hundred of the Freshmen who have been playing tennis under his supervision have asked to be transferred into these sections, all the University squash racquets courts will be in use these three days a week until 4.45, when they will be reserved for upper classmen who wish to use them.

H. R. Howes 1G.B. will be in charge at the Big Tree Swimming Pool and will instruct all Freshmen who do not know how to swim. Other members of the University can avail themselves of this privilege.

Conley Back Again

Boxing classes open to all students will be started in the Hemenway Gymnasium soon. Mr. Larry Conley, Amateur Boxing Champion of the B. A. A. for five years, and former instructor in boxing at Cornell University and at Middlesex School, will again have charge of the same work that he superintended last winter. It is probable that he will also give private advanced lessons to anyone who wishes to engage his services.

Sam Anderson, University wrestling coach, will instruct men in wrestling in the Hemenway Gymnasium on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Fencing will be held from 2.45-4 under Coach Danguay's direction at the Hemenway Gymnasium, and any men who so desire can join the 5 o'clock gym class, held at Hemenway.
