Preceding a ball on the eve of the Princeton game to be held in the Union, the Glee Club will give a special concert in the Union instead of in Boston as is generally the rule before a big football game. The concert will begin at 9 and last until 11, when the dancing will begin and continue until 4 or 5 o'clock.
In arranging for this ball, the management of the Union has acted upon the belief that the University should have some large social affair during the present football season. The fact that the ball at the Copley-Plaza before the Yale game last year was tremendously overcrowded, gives reason to believe that such a function here, even though conflicting with some Boston dance, would meet with distinct favor.
Ten-Piece Orchestra
An orchestra of 10 to 15 pieces will play in the Living Room of the Union, while J. V. Spaulding's orchestra of seven pieces will provide music for dancing in the Dining Room. The Reading and Lounging Rooms will be attractively arranged for "sitting-out." A list of 50 patronesses will be announced later in the week.
All Princeton and Harvard men, and their guests, are invited. Subscription blanks for the ball at $3 a person, which includes refreshments, and for the concert, are being sent out. Tickets will be mailed to subscribers, and further tickets will be available at the offices of the Glee Club and the Union, as well as at the door on the night of the ball.
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