


At a meeting of the Athletic Committee Monday night the following men were appointed members of the Track Advisory Committee: W. J. Bingham '16, W. F. Garcelon '93, R. Floyd '11, and W. A. Barron, Jr., '14.

The appointment of the following men as football coaches was affirmed: R. B. Fisher '12, D. C. Parmenter '13, E. Soucy '16, W. B. Murray '18, W. B. Snow, Jr., '16, F. B. Bradlee '15, J. L. Knox '98, C. A. Coolidge '17, W. J. Trumbull '15, W. B. Felton '19, G. L. Wasson '20, and J. J. Ryan '20, as freshman coach.

The committee also affirmed the appointment of W. J. Bingham '16, as Supervisor of Track; C. Burgess, as coach of soccer; Dr. W. McCarthy as cross-country coach; G. A. Speigelburg 3L., formerly of Cornell, as lacrosse coach; W. Nicholl as freshman soccer coach; Sam Anderson as wrestling coach; and W. H. Clafflin, Jr., '02, as hockey coach; A. V. Connell '21 to succeed E. R. Bright '21, resigned, as cross-country manager; and Haven Parker '22, as basketball manager.

It was also decided that Harvard, for the time being, would not enter the newly organized Intercollegiate Boxing Association and would not authorize boxing as an intercollegiate sport.

Award Crew H's.


The following men were awarded their "H" for participation in the Harvard-Yale Crew Race last summer: Wendell Davis '21, of New York City; Reginald Jenney '21, of Brookline; James Abercrombie Burden, Jr., '21, of New York City; Marlin Edgar Olmsted '21, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lawrence Terry '22, of Short Hills, New York; Louis Butler McCagg, Jr., '22, of New York City; Richmond Keith Kane '22, of Newport, Rhode Island; Francis Bacon Lothrop, Jr., '21, of Boston; Edward Lawrence Pierson, Jr., '21, of Salem; Thomas Tenycle Pond '21, of Nyronset (second crew); Sherman Damon '21, of Brookline (second crew); Charles Foster Batchelder, Jr., '21, of Peterboro, New Hampshire (second crew) and Amory Houghton '21, of Corning, New York (manager).

The following men were awarded their "H" for participation in one of the Harvard-Yale games last June: Robert Wales Emmons, 3rd, ocC., of Boston; Arthur John Conlon '22, of Woburn; Edwin Clapp Lincoln '22, of Hingham; Lucius Paine Jones '20, of Harwich; Austin Benedict Blair '21, of New York City; Edward Francis Goode '22, of Boston; William Bainbridge Frothingham '21, of Boston; Richard Price Hallowell, 2d, '20, of Chestnut Hill; Leonard Avery Hallock '22, of Cromwell, Connecticut; Kenneth Wheeler Perkins '20, of Castine, Maine; Henry Covington Janin, Sp., of San Francisco, California; Thomas Hubbard Gammack '20, of Fitchburg; and Alexander Edgar Kirk '20, of Chicago, Illinois (manager).

H 2nd's Awarded

The following men were awarded their "H 2nd's" for participation in the Harvard Yale baseball game last June: John Goodyear Allen '22, of Marlboro; Warner Johnson Banes '22, of Media, Pennsylvania; Charles Buckingham Butterfield, Jr., '22, of Chestnut Hill; Samuel Brown Chase, Jr., '21, of Great Falls, Montana Charles Arthur Clark, Jr., ocC., of Milton; Edmund Sanderson Bobbs '21, of San Angelo, Texas; Alfred Thomas Kent '22, of Brockton; David McKendrie Key '22, of Chattanooga, Tennessee; Edwin Thomas Martin, ocC., of Marblehead; John Morrison Martin '22, of Cambridge; Charles Jeremiah Mason, Jr., '22, of Scarsdale, New York; Phillip Converse Newton '21, of West Roxbury; William Roos, ocC., of New Bedford; Harlan Smyth Russell, 3 E.S. of Methuen; John DeCasgrain Scott '22, of Jamaica Plain; Malcolm Clark Sherman '20, of Cambridge; Carl Senff Stillman Jr., '22, of Wellesley; Elijah Hubbard Stillman '22, of Wellesley; Paul Kendriken Thomas '22, of Peoria, Illinois; and Harold Kleinert Guinzburg '21, of New York City (manager).

'23 Tennis Insignia

The following men were awarded the insignia of the 1923 Tennis Team: Morris Duane, of Philadelphia; LeRoy Frost, of Nyack, New York; John David Farnham, of St. Paul, Minnesota; Martin Grabau, of Buffalo, New York; George Chewer Guild, of Roxbury; Robert Walter Hoskins, of Hartford, Connecticut; Gerald Felix Warburg, of New York City; and John Robert Melish, of Brooklyn, New York (manager).

The following schedule for the coming University basketball season was ratified:

December 10--Boston University.

December 17--Clark College.

January 8--Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester.
