


J. N. Hamlin '22, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Harding and Coolidge Club of Harvard, received yesterday the following letter from Senator Warren G. Harding:

"Dear Mr. Hamlin:

"Through the kindness of the Division of Clubs of the Republican National Committee, I have been informed of the organization of the Harding-Coolidge Club among the students of Harvard, and I would like to express my gratification and my thanks to you and to your associates who were active in the matter of organization.

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"I think I may say to you in all modesty that the candidates of the Republican party, with which you are affiliated, are sincerely actuated by a desire to render the best service of which they are capable to all of the people of this land of ours and that they are honestly committed to the principles and program of the party as enunciated in convention and established in the most successful years of the Republic.


"I trust that you and my other fellow Republicans associated with you may bring to the consideration of all the questions involved in this campaign a spirit as much patriotic and practical, as academic and theoretical. Great reforms, if they are to be enduring, the products of patience, persistence and evolution, and I trust that the men enlisted in your club will carry their work and their pledges on beyond their undergraduate days and into the years which take them into the active and constructive upbuilding of American nationality. "Very sincerely,   (Signed) "WARREN G. HARDING."
