

This afternoon in the Stadium the battle will take place. A mid-season battle, it is true, but one that has aroused more interest than any mid-season game has ever done before. Not only the intersectional attraction, but the chance of a championship for the winner, and the keen enjoyment of seeing two well-matched hard-fighting machine in action, are drawing the crowds and stirring up enthusiasm.

This game is the great opportunity for Centre. It is the opening wedge into the jealously-guarded arena of "big games," and the Kentucky eleven intends to make the most of it. Both team and rooters will be fighting their hardest every moment that they are on the field; and though we cannot cheer in the stands with them, we can at least say that it is an honor to cheer in the stands against them.

All the Eastern States are watching Soldiers Field today. Whichever side wins, the game will stand in the annals of football as one long to be remembered.
