On the CRIMSON Straw Ballot held yesterday, Senator Warren Gamaliel Harding, the Republican nominee, defeated Governor James Middleton Cox, the Democratic candidate, by 270 votes. 2030 votes were cast, which represents considerably more than 50 percent of the members of the University.
Harding's majority was not a surprisingly large one. In the Medical School alone did the Republican decisively defeat Cox. In that department Harding polled 100 votes to the 51 of Cox. The Faculty vote, however, favored Cox by a slight majority. In the College Harding reaped the most telling vote, leading by over 100 votes. Debs polled the remarkably large total of 110 votes, 60 of which came from the Socialist element in the College. The other candidates were hardly in the running.
Last May the CRIMSON held a straw ballot for the presidential candidates. Herbert Hoover then swept the University with a large majority, with Leonard Wood as his nearest competitor. Harding and Cox, scarcely considered as presidential prospects at that time, polled only a scattered eight votes in this balloting.
The results of the straw ballots in the other universities of the east will be listed tomorrow.
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