In the first race of the cross-country season, that with Tech tomorrow, 11 runners will represent the University: Captain F. G. Bemis '22, W. C. Bennett '23, C. E. Dexter '22, W. F. Eaton '22, A. J. Fox '22, H. M. Mahon '22, J. E. Nealy '21, C. E. Reycroft '21, H. S. P. Rowe '21, S. Tait '23 and J. G. Winchester '23.
The official teams will carry numbers in the race, to distinguish them from the remainder of both squads who will also go over the course for practice, starting two minutes after the others.
There will be a Freshman Interdormitory Track Meet on Soldiers Field next Monday, October 25, at 4 P. M. Thirteen regular events will be staged for which medals will be given for the first three places in each event. Entries should be made in Blue Books placed in Leavitt & Peirce's, the Locker Building and in the 1924 dormitories. These entries close on Friday at 5.
The results of this interdormitory Meet will determine the handicaps to be given in the Fall Handicap Meet, to be held on Soldiers Field on Wednesday, November 3. In this meet, gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to winners of first, second and third places, respectively. The Handicap Meet will close the fall track season.
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